Kvalitní kabel s několikanásobným stíněním datových a napájecích párů vodičů. V oblasti FireWire profesionálních systémech, včetně průmyslového nasazení nebo medical aplikací ja Unibrain vyžadovaným standardem . Metalické kabely bez nutnosti repeatru umí až do délek 10m , s repeatrem pak i na vyšší vzdálenosti.
Unibrain's FireWire cables offer superior features, due to better connectors, shielding and storage conditions:
' Top quality connectors with high-density enclosures to eliminate an often under estimated source of noise.
' Outer shield and inner (foil and braid) ensures compliance with the latest FireWire standards, which reduces radio frequency and electro-magnetic interference.
' Careful storage and shipment procedures ensure that performance is not affected by accidental excessive bend radius.
Exceeding the 4.5 meter cable length!
Unibrain firewire cables do not only achieve a very controlled 110 Ohm impedance but also provide high performance for skew, attenuation and crosstalk. These latest features were not prerequisites when the first IEEE-1394/1395 specification was issued, at the time limiting the maximum cable length to 4.5 meters. Therefore we can now secure safe operation of our Firewire cable lengths up to 10 meters!
' Up to 400Mbps high speed data transmission
' Quad shielding (S-400 specification) for maximum speed without data loss
' FireWire (IEEE-1394), Sony i.Link compatible
' Plug and play technology: Hot swap live devices, no terminator needed
Rules to build your cable network
' Never exceed 63 nodes per bus.
' Never create a loop.
' Extend the cable length (more than 10m) using a repeater.
' Allow a maximum of 16 cables between any two nodes.
' Allow a maximum of 72 meter (cumulated cable lengths) between any two nodes.
Produkt manažer:
ing. Miloš Bártů,
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Podrobnosti o produktu
' Top quality connectors with high-density enclosures to eliminate an often under estimated source of noise. ' Outer shield and inner (foil and braid) ensures compliance with the latest FireWire standards, which reduces radio frequency and electro-magnetic interference.
' Careful storage and shipment procedures ensure that performance is not affected by accidental excessive bend radius.
Exceeding the 4.5 meter cable length!
Unibrain firewire cables do not only achieve a very controlled 110 Ohm impedance but also provide high performance for skew, attenuation and crosstalk. These latest features were not prerequisites when the first IEEE-1394/1395 specification was issued, at the time limiting the maximum cable length to 4.5 meters. Therefore we can now secure safe operation of our Firewire cable lengths up to 10 meters!
' Up to 400Mbps high speed data transmission
' Quad shielding (S-400 specification) for maximum speed without data loss
' FireWire (IEEE-1394), Sony i.Link compatible
' Plug and play technology: Hot swap live devices, no terminator needed
Rules to build your cable network
' Never exceed 63 nodes per bus.
' Never create a loop.
' Extend the cable length (more than 10m) using a repeater.
' Allow a maximum of 16 cables between any two nodes.
' Allow a maximum of 72 meter (cumulated cable lengths) between any two nodes.
Produkt manažer:
ing. Miloš Bártů,