Gefen VGA extender SRN - prodloužení VGA na 45 metrů
The VGA extender SRN sender unit connects to your computer using the supplied VGA cable. The SRN receiver connects to your monitor - up to 150 feet away. One CAT-5 cable connects the sender and the receiver to each other, extending your video. The video transmitter and receiver boxes are small and unobtrusive, allowing installation in small spaces.
Note: For longer distances, see the Gefen EXT-VGA-141LR (please see the Related Product The EXT-VGA-141LR is a new VGA Extender that goes double the distance of the previous version, and also has a trim-pot for fine video adjustment.
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Podrobnosti o produktu
The VGA extender SRN sender unit connects to your computer using the supplied VGA cable. The SRN receiver connects to your monitor - up to 150 feet away. One CAT-5 cable connects the sender and the receiver to each other, extending your video. The video transmitter and receiver boxes are small and unobtrusive, allowing installation in small spaces.
Note: For longer distances, see the Gefen EXT-VGA-141LR (please see the Related Product The EXT-VGA-141LR is a new VGA Extender that goes double the distance of the previous version, and also has a trim-pot for fine video adjustment.